مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي يطالب سائقي السيارات إعادة الأموال التي التقطوها في حالة من الهيجان من شاحنة مدرعة قذفت الكتل النقدية فوق احد الطرق السريعه في سان دييغو عندما طارت الأبواب من شاحنة : واعتقل شخصان
مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي ودورية الطرق السريعة في كاليفورنيا يبحثون عن الناس الذين أخذوا المال من الطريق السريع 5 بالقرب من سان دييغو بعد حدوث تخريب مجهول لابواب شاحنة تحمل اكياس من النقود ومن ثم طارت الاوراق النقدية على الطريق بدلا من وصولوها الى مجلس النقدالاحتياطي الاتحادي. وتحقق الشرطة في كيفية فتح الابواب وتدعو الناس إلى إعادة الأموال أو مواجهة “اتهامات جنائية محتملة”. تم التعرف على أحد اللصوص على أنه ديمي باغبي (إلى اليسار) وصديقاتها (في الصورة إلى اليمين) بعد أن نشرت الفيديو على صفحتها على إنستغرام. كما في الشاحنة.
تدافع لجمع آلاف الدولارات سقطت من شاحنة على طريق.. والشرطة تجمعها

Several drivers on Interstate 5 got lucky on Monday after an armored truck spewed money over the freeway – but authorities are looking for them to return the cash

Fitness guru Demi Bagby (pictured) posted a video on Instagram of her and her friends collecting money on the freeway

Unidentified people were seen looking excited with handfuls of cash
The video also showed others with huge stacks of cash in their hands, as well as two other women who were seen picking up cash. The FBI released screenshots of Bagby’s video and are wanting to talk to those featured in it.
Another driver even covered up their license plate with what appears to be a white towel to avoid being identified.
As Bagby and her friends drove past the armored trunk, it appeared that its drivers had left the scene. The drivers of the truck were seen earlier talking to the police.
Another driver, Travis Fisher, told Fox 5 that he thought there was an accident before noticing the money.
‘I see all these things floating around and I realize it’s money,’ Fisher told Fox 5. ‘It was pretty crazy. Just everywhere, there was a sea of bills, everywhere.’

Police were seen talking to the truck drivers

The money flew out of the trunk after the back door flew open. The FBI and CHP are investigating as to why the door opened

Police collected fallen money in garbage bags and are now asking those who took cash to return it to the Vista office within 48 hours or face ‘potential criminal charges’

By the time Bagby left the scene, the truck driver was gone
Fisher estimated there were thousands of dollars scattered across the roadway.
CHP and the FBI are now calling on those who took the money to return it, as it’s a crime to steal government property.
Police collected the fallen money in garbage bags but even after they cleared the scene, some stragglers still stayed behind in search for more.
Lawyer Greg Wiseman told Fox 5 that the ‘finder’s keepers’ attitude won’t get them very far.
‘People get the wrong idea, they think “finder’s keepers,” they think “possession is nine-tenths of a law,” but that’s not the law,’ he said.
He said the ‘negligent’ act does not ‘create a windfall where people just get to say “right place, right time” and keep the money.’

Several people stayed behind to look for more money

The FBI are looking now looking for Bagby and her friends, as well as these women (pictured)

The police says there’s ‘a lot of video evidence’ showing people picking up money, and encourage them to return it
Many commenters slammed Bagby and her friends for filming themselves and other people, with one stating: ‘This video will have you in court lmaoooo [sic] they track these people down.’
Another also warned the fitness guru not to ‘brag’ about her gold mine: ‘I wouldn’t of bragged on camera about taking money if I were those people.’
The influencer herself even commented: ‘Who’s coming to sizzler with us tonight?’ Sizzler is a restaurant chain that was founded in California.
Other commenters focused on the driver of the vehicle, writing: ‘Someone’s getting fired.’