كشفت منجمة معروفة في بريطانيا حسب الديلي ميل عن المراوغات و(زودياك ) صديقك الوفي – من الكلاب والقطط حيث يتميز مواليد برج الحمل من القطط بانها مشاكسة على سبيل المثال
وكشفت المنجمه جيسيكا ادامز، التي تعيش بين استراليا وانكلترة كيف يمكن أن يتأثر الكلاب والقطط من تنبؤات الأبراج الخاصة بهم تماما مثل أصحابها.
وهذه هي تنبؤات الفلك للابراج :
21 March-20 April
Cat: Natural hunters, a feisty Aries cat will head-butt flies or chase dogs… or the postman. When Mercury’s in retrograde, the postman may well chase them.
Dog: A dominate Aries dog will bite everything, including your hair. They also like digging floorboards. Especially when Mercury’s in retrograde: watch for holes.
21 April-21 May
Cat: The Taurus cat is a dribbler who loves its breakfast and will lick empty food bowls in the hope of finding the last scrap. When Mercury’s in retrograde they’ll even lick the fridge.
Dog: Just like the Taurus cat, the Taurus dog does have an appetite. It likes chicken. turkey. And trying to catch sparrows. If their tastes change to caviar, you can blame Mercury in retrograde.
22 May-21 June
Cat: Clever Gemini cats like to imitate you, the radio or the dog.
Dog: Barking at the TV? Jumping on it? You must have a Gemini dog.
22 June-22 July
Cat: They miss you so much when you go shopping, they get in the bag and hope you won’t notice.
Dog: Just like domestically-minded Cancer humans, Cancer dogs like their home comforts.
23 July-23 August
Cat: Image-conscious Leo cats like gazing at themselves in mirrors, windows or glass doors. Make sure they don’t walk into them when Mercury’s in retrograde.
Dog: The Kings and Queens of the doggy world, Leo pups look good in Christmas cracker paper crowns. Watch out when Mercury is in retrograde: they may pinch your best hat.

The next few weeks might signal a period of particularly odd behaviour for your pets thanks for a phenomenon known as Mercury in retrograde. Stock image
24 August-22 September
Cat: Fussy Virgo cats have discerning taste and will sniff food before they eat it. When Mercury is in retrograde their tastes may change to the strangest things. Even mud.
Dog: The Virgo dog loves routine and will stand on you five minutes before the alarm. But when Mercury is in retrograde, they’ll be an hour out.
23 September-23 October
Cat: Just like Libra humans, Libra cats are hopeless romantic. Only they express their affection through enthusiastic bottom-sniffing. Best make sure it’s not your bottom when Mercury is in retrograde, though.
Dog: Sociable Libra dogs like to perform duets with other pets. When Mercury’s in retrograde, you might find them answering to their best friend’s name instead.
24 October-22 November
Cat: The bankers of the cat world. They line up dead mice they’ve caught.
Dog: Amorous Scorpio dogs will attempt relationships with everything from footballs to armchairs.
23 November-21 December
Cat: Spiritual animals – but they have been known to eat the candles or incense. When Mercury is in retrograde, they may even perform miracles.
Dog: Great explorers, Sagittarius pups are like energetic doggy David Attenboroughs. When Mercury is in retrograde, they might try to run backwards.
22 December-20 January
Cat: A Capricorn cat likes to be on top and will scale any Christmas tree they see. When Mercury is in retrograde, they’ve been known to get on the roof.
Dog: Organised Capricorn dogs pack their toys away like professionals. When Mercury is in retrograde, they might pack away your children’s too.
21 January-18 February
Cat: They like a gang and will form one with other cats, the dog, or the goldfish. When Mercury’s in retrograde, they’ll even try your neighbours.
Dog: Friendly Aquarius dogs love socialising… they might even try message on your phone!
19 February-20 March
Cat: Thoughtful Pieces cats love pond-watching or goldfish bowl gazing. Washing machines, too. Just make sure they don’t climb in when Mercury is in retrograde.
Dog: Biting hose water or sea waves is their hobby. Also barking at ghosts.